Starting off 2025 with a two month old baby and a world in turmoil, I realized I couldn’t really do New Year’s Resolutions in the elaborate, ultra-nerdy way I normally do them. I’m not looking to tie myself in knots for the sake of self-improvement this year - instead, I want to spend 2025 in pursuit of small pleasures, silly things, community and movement.
Somewhere on the internet, I saw a resolution bingo card and the genius of this simple format inspired me to make my own. A bingo card is useless if you can’t cross things off. That means every single block has to be something finite. None of this vague “get healthy,” “be more mindful,” “eat fewer potato chips,” stuff. Nothing relying on habit-building like “go to the gym three days a week”. People say consistency is key, but for some of us, consistency is the hardest part. I rely more on momentum… if I manage to motivate myself to do the thing once or twice, and I find out I enjoy it, I will naturally do it more. Probably.
On my bingo card, I tried to keep myself to small, enjoyable things (with a few notable exceptions - push-ups?) and remind myself that any full line in bingo is a winner, I don’t have to cross off the whole card. The secret is that each thing on this bingo card is supposed to trick me into working on my larger goals (get healthy, build community, stay in touch with my creative side, dare myself to be bold) by giving me small first steps.
Do you have any ideas for a bingo card of your own? Maybe we can cross some things off together!
Prompt: Make a Bingo Card
Step 1. Draw a 5x5 grid, with a star in the middle
Start with a large sheet of paper and draw a grid. Your bingo card will work best if it’s large, pretty, and hung up somewhere where you’ll see it every day (like the fridge, your bathroom door, above your desk, etc.)
Don’t forget to draw a star in the middle, every good bingo card has a free space!
Step 2. Think of small, finite, cross-off-able goals
Good bingo squares can be crossed-off. Choose goals that are countable and small. If you want to “eat healthier”, think of what might get you closer to that result. Try to make it something fun and concrete - “try 3 salad recipes”, or “try a new fruit or vegetable”.
Step 3. Cross off (or stamp) the squares as you do them
This is the fun part! Do the things you set out to do! You don’t have to cross every square, but try to make a line, or aim for the four corners. When you get a line, give yourself a little reward.
Upcoming Events
Draw-la-la, an anti-fear, pro-mistakes social drawing event
This Thursday, please join us for another Draw-la-la at the Culture Hub in Rotterdam West. Syara and Floris will be hosting once again, and it’s sure to be a lovely night. Dare yourself to draw something unusual, or something silly, or just… something! Maybe make a bingo card and illustrate the squares.